- Battle of the Bands
- Alexandria Police Color Guard
- Willard Scott - Grand Marshal
- Washington Scottish Pipe Band av St. Andrew's Society of Washington
- St. Andrews Society of Washington
- Campagna senter
- Skotske julebordstoler
- Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust
- Fru Hunde - Claus
- Virginia skotske spill
- Mark Warner - Senator of Virginia
- Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
- St. Andrews Society of Baltimore
- Kiltie Band of York
- 1 kanadiske parachute bataljon
- Første natt Alexandria
- MacMillan Pipe Band
- 15. Rekognisjon
- Klan Donald
- Clan Donald Pipe Band
- Westie redning av Midt-Atlanterhavet
- Clan MacKintosh av Nord-Amerika
- Brian Moran, Virginia State Delegate
- Byen Alexandria Pipe & Drums
- Scotty Dog, Mascot of the Scottish Christmas Walk
- Alliance Dance Institute
- DC Area Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
- Ballyshaners
- Collie Rescue, Inc.
- Shamrock & Thistle Pipe & Drums
- Clan Buchanan Society International
- National Capital Bearded Collie Club
- Northern Virginia Firefighters Emerald Society Pipe Band
- Clan Donnachaidh Society
- Airedale Terrier Club of Washington
- Clan MacBean
- Clan MacPherson Association
- Clan Shaw Society
- St George Productions
- Battle of the Bands
- Battle of the Bands Lineup
- Battle of the Bands Competition
- Battle of the Bands - Finale
Battle of the Bands
Alexandria Police Color Guard
Willard Scott - Grand Marshal
Willard Scott var en Grand Marshal av Scottish Christmas Walk.
Washington Scottish Pipe Band av St. Andrew's Society of Washington
St. Andrews Society of Washington
Campagna senter
Campagna Center, en ideell organisasjon som serverer barn og familier i nød i Alexandria, Virginia, er vert for den årlige skotske julepromenaden.
Skotske julebordstoler
Scottish Christmas Walk Stoler, Laura Fortsch, og Cassie McLaughlin.
Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust
Fru Hunde - Claus
Virginia skotske spill
The Virginia Scottish Games and Festival er en årlig arvshendelse som arrangeres i Alexandria hver september.
Mark Warner - Senator of Virginia
Mark Warner, senator i Virginia, gikk i den skotske julepromenaden og vinket til mengden.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
St. Andrews Society of Baltimore
Kiltie Band of York
1 kanadiske parachute bataljon
Første natt Alexandria
First Night Alexandria er et familievennlig nyttårsaften i Old Town Alexandria.
MacMillan Pipe Band
15. Rekognisjon
WWII Re-enactment Unit - Scottish Division.
Klan Donald
Clan Donald Pipe Band
Westie redning av Midt-Atlanterhavet
Clan MacKintosh av Nord-Amerika
Brian Moran, Virginia State Delegate
Byen Alexandria Pipe & Drums
Scotty Dog, Mascot of the Scottish Christmas Walk
Alliance Dance Institute
DC Area Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Den irske organisasjonen er vert for den årlige St. Patrick's Day Parade i Alexandria.
Collie Rescue, Inc.
Shamrock & Thistle Pipe & Drums
Clan Buchanan Society International
National Capital Bearded Collie Club
Northern Virginia Firefighters Emerald Society Pipe Band
Clan Donnachaidh Society
Airedale Terrier Club of Washington
Clan MacBean
Clan MacPherson Association
Clan Shaw Society
St George Productions
Battle of the Bands
Høydepunktet av Scottish Christmas Walk er finalen, der alle deltakende bandene kommer sammen og konkurrerer i to grupper.
Battle of the Bands Lineup
Battle of the Bands Competition
Battle of the Bands - Finale